Saturday, 6 June 2015

My Saturday 6th June 2015

Braced with my hot cup of Bondi Chai, bowl of noodles and with my eyes set on watching Monsters Univeristy, Im really to face this cold night. image

image, Its ichigo.hoshii!!imageimage 
My day today was awesome!image 
The same as every Saturday is. Its the day I go to see my 
fellow asian nerds in my Japanese class!! I love it so much.image 
When Ive had a bad week I can always cheer myself up by being with my friends.image 
And then Im refreshed and ready to start another week of boringness. Its ok during the week but I would rather spend every day doing Japanese. During the week I do year 12.image 
Well kinda. I just call it that because it is like another version of year 12. Its difficult to explain. Haha.image
Im hoping to go to University next year. To do what, you ask? Japanese! I know kkk its hard to guess isn't it?image
 I dont know what I want to become yet.image 
People say they can see me as a teacher or a child care worker. But Im not so sure. I did Day Care for work experience a couple of years ago, but I found there was waaaaaayyyyyyy to many rules that just didnt seem very logical.image 
The kids had to wash there hands after they do EVERYTHING!! I found it a little over done. Im not sure how to explain it. But I want to do anything related to languages and Japanese. I want to learn Korean and Chinese in the future as well.image
I know a bit, but not a lot. image 
Another thing today!! I almost got 100% in one of my mini Japanese tests today!image 
Im so happy! image

Watching Mike in this movie makes me excited to work hard. It makes me feel like I can do it
too. If he can be so amazing at his passion, I can be also. Sure he has difficulties and set backs, but everything we do will have things like that. And as my mother says 'Anything worth doing is hard.' It is so true.

BIGBANG's new video clip is amzing!!imageimageimage 
Bang Bang Bang has been going around my head all week. Sadly I havent been able to watch WL2P yet but I will as soon as I can!! 
For those that havent I strongly advise you do!image

In 3 days its my BIRTHDAY!!!image
YAY!!! Im so excited!! All my friends I invited are coming!! 
Sadly I cant invite my friends from my Japanese class they live too far away...its sad. I wish 
they could come,
but Ill probably do something with them in the holidays which is 
veeeerrrrryyyyy soon!! 
So Im happy! My friends at my Japanese class are really cool. 
We all like the same things and because we are learning Japanese and stuff half of our 
conversations are filled with Japanese words. 
So it will be something like this....English 
english english japanese japanese english japanese japanese english....yeah something like that. image
Its really funny. 
When we go to lunch and we talk like that people look at us in a weird way. Hahahaha. 

When I get enough time, ill be working on upgrading this blog.image 
To make it more KAWAIIIII!!!image

I hope you have a good weekend and stay warm or in other peoples cases, make sure you drink lots of water. kkk

P.S. Sorry if my blog posts are a little bit everywhere, its kinda my first time writing posts like

See ya!


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